
Using the trollbufr-API, the class Bufr presents the main entry point.


This gives good examples how to handle the class Bufr.


Simple example for handling class Bufr:

bufr = Bufr(args.tables_type, args.tables_path)
for fn in glob("*.bufr"):
    for blob, size, header in load_file.next_bufr(fn):
        print "HEADER\t%s" % header
        bufr.decode_meta(blob, tables=False)
        tabl = bufr.load_tables()
        print "META:\n%s" % bufr.get_meta_str()
        for report in bufr.next_subset():
            print "SUBSET\t#%d/%d" % report.subs_num
            for k, m, (v, q) in report.next_data():
                print k, v

Read all files named *.bufr, parse each file for BUFR bulletins; then decode them, writing each descriptor and the associated data value to STDOUT.

It can be done even shorter:

bufr = Bufr(args.tables_type, args.tables_path)
for fn_in in glob("*.bufr"):
    for blob, _, header in load_file.next_bufr(fn_in):
        json_bufr = bufr.decode(blob,
        print json_bufr

Here each BUFR is decoded, including loading tables as required, in one go and the resulting values are printed as a list/dict structure.