Tables ====== Tables are essential for writing and reading BUFR messages. Each BUFR has references to a specific version of a set of tables. They contain information how to read the data described within the BUFR. Download a TDCF table archive: - zip-files (``bufrtables_*.zip``) in this project. - eg. from `ECMWF eccodes `_. - DWD's `OpenData server `_. - Or other sources. If the files ``operator.table`` and/or ``datacat.table`` are not present in the table directory, there are standard ones in this project's root. These files are not required for decoding, but optional for human-readable output. Either set environment variable ``$BUFR_TABLES`` to the base directory, where the table archives were extracted into, or provide this path to the Bufr constructor, resp. at command-line.