Command-line scripts ==================== Two command-line scripts will be created by `python install`. Both print the available options with description for each option to STDOUT:: trollbufr -h trollbufr --help :: trollbufr_update -h trollbufr_update --help Executing them without any command-line option, they will just print the list of options to STDOUT. trollbufr --------- This is a command-line script to call ``. - Reading data elements:: trollbufr -t tables -d data/mw/TestBulletin_051 Decoding all BUFR in the file TestBulletin_051, for each reading the data elements and writing the descriptor, short name, value, unit to STDOUT. The table format defaults to "eccodes". :: trollbufr -t tables -o Test.txt -d data/mw/TestBulletin_051 Does the same as the first example, but writes to the file Test.txt. - Simple list of descriptors:: trollbufr -t tables -T libdwd -smb 1 data/mw/TestBulletin_051 Using the table-format `libdwd` and decoding only the first BUFR in the file, writing the un-expanded list of descriptors (without names, etc.) to STDOUT. - Encoding data from a JSON-formatted file as BUFR:: trollbufr -t tables -e -o Test.bin data/TestBulletin_1.json Encodes the JSON-formatted content of the file TestBulletin_1.json and writes the resulting BUFR to the file Test.bin instead of STDOUT. trollbufr_update ---------------- A command-line script to download archive file(s) from Internet resources in order to update the BUFR table files. - URL(s) on command-line, strip first two elements from path on extract:: trollbufr_update -t tables -s 2 -U - Set of URLs in a file -- only download, no extract:: trollbufr_update -t tables --download -F bufr_table_archives.txt